Speed Society - Girl Rowing Gear in Her Built Truck Will Make You Smile

This video absolutely made my day, and when you hit that play button below, I think you’ll catch yourself smiling like a fool as well. The combination of a gorgeous young lady and a manual transmission is truly a thing of beauty. Add in the fact that her pickup sounds pretty healthy, and you have the makings of a pretty awesome clip.

We don’t have any information about this wheelwoman at the moment, but you can bet we’ll be doing some digging to try to find out more about who’s behind @rstgirl as well as what all is going on under the hood of her truck.

In the meantime, I think I’ll just put this video on loop and watch and listen to her rowing through the gears. There is one short moment in the video where our driver looks to have lost traction unexpectedly, throwing her otherwise poise and calm demeanor into a bit of a “Whoops! Did I do that?” state. However, the snafu only distracts her briefly, and she’s right back into focus mode,

It’s always an attractive attribute to be able to drive beyond just holding a wheel, so to see this chick shifting gears in a modded pickup is some serious badassness that we want to make sure is recognized as such. Hopefully word gets back to her and she will reach out – you can find us on most social media at @SpeedSociety – and get us the details on her build. Hopefully, there are other videos of this beauty out there for us to check out as well, and we’ll be looking for them this week. If any of you know @rstgirl, hit us up with a tag or a mention and we’ll take it from there. In the meantime, just enjoy the sights and sounds of this beauty slamming gears and putting her pickup through the paces.

